For Sale - Reach out if you are interested.
I found this desk for free, and fell in love with the original form of it right away. I came to me in an all black lacquer finish, hiding all of the beautiful wood grain underneath. Though this desk is made of poplar, I wanted to celebrate the unique movement and colors of this understated wood. Another fascinating aspect of this table was the angled left support, almost giving it a cantilevered look. I knew this wasn't a run of the mill design, and my suspicions were verified when the person getting rid of it told me their wive's ex-boyfriend was the creator. Ohhhhh! I get it now. Dang he did a fantastic job! The craftsmanship was just wonderful. And the hardware he chose is just so cool. My goal with this piece was to enhance the already stunning design elements, celebrate them more and add my own flair.

I learned after sanding all this lacquer off, that I should invest in a stripper next time. It took me way too long and I was covered in black dust at the end of it. And sanding the curved parts was painstaking. I do enjoy my sanding hours however, because it give me the time I need to ponder what my creative plan will be for the piece. I am finding that I enjoy feeling what the piece wants me to do as I interact with it, making the creative process more fluid. A stark contrast to my day job.
As I revealed the wood on the top and drawers, I knew I needed to keep that natural, but the question was what to do with the rest....and did I have the gumption to try what I have been wanting to try for a long time? Adding dimensional texture. The cantilevered leg was just screaming, "Do something unique with me!!! Take a chance!". After some thought, I decided to just go for it, so I mixed up some grout and went crazy with the pallet knife. I was smiling from ear to ear the whole time. I was also very nervous. Would people think this is weird? Do you think its weird??
Well if you do, thats fine. I'm not going for mainstream, or normal with my furniture restorations or creations. I want to take risks and try new ideas with each piece. They are free anyways, it's the perfect canvas to take chances!
Anyways, I think it looks absolutely fantastic against a white wall, the leg almost fades into the wall, giving the illusion of the left side of the desk floating. And shape of the leg gives me a little extra leg room when i'm fidgeting around. I am currently using this as my personal desk in my home office, and though I sometimes miss the standing desk I had before, I don't work at my desk that often. And when I do, it's usually after a long day at work anyways, so sitting is welcome.
This desk is still for sale, as I can always replace my desk at home with a new one, and I would love for someone to enjoy it as much as I do.
I almost forgot to mention the chair! I found this chair next to a dumpster all beat up. I re upholstered it in a black woven fabric and painted it to match the desk. It's a nice compliment and lets the desk shine. I added some funky leather top caps, which I still am unsure if I like, but I will keep for now.